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9 Ecopreneurship Tips for Nature Lovers Turned Business Owners

Lacie Martin

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

Enjoying nature is one thing; feeling driven to protect it is another. But you can do both as an ecopreneur, and it’s not as unglamorous as it sounds. Pursuing ecopreneurship is simpler than you might think, especially with these tips from Techno Lamp.

Set the Scene

Whether your company involves an office full of staff or a retail location with greener products, setting the scene with eco-consciousness is one way to care for the environment.

● Encourage greener behavior on location by making it cool to go zero waste.

● Take inspiration from big businesses on ways to reduce your environmental impact.

● Utilize LED office lighting for more natural-feeling light that uses less energy, so check out our offerings.

Build with Green

Whether you’re sourcing business materials or just going out to lunch, start with greener, more sustainable practices from the ground up.

● Aim for a local supply chain to reduce travel and shipping pollution.

● Select recycled and sustainable products for your office supply closet or store.

Conserve water by taking a closer look at your company’s usage habits.

Get More Legit

Business ownership is a serious endeavor, so whether you go green or not, there are some steps you’ll need to take. Consider these organizational tips for small business success.

● Determine whether forming an LLC makes sense for your org, and file online to save paper.

● Explore carbon offset programs to balance any necessary business-related emissions.

● Pursue a green business certification for your accomplishments in helping the planet.

Merging a great business idea with a passion for nature is a no-brainer for ecopreneurs. And with these tips, you can do more for the planet while growing your company. Plus, taking the first step could be as simple as visiting Techno Lamp for more sustainable lighting solutions – and going greener from there. Explore the site and blog today.

Photo via Unsplash

Lacie Martin


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